Present: Ben, Phil, Al, Sigrid
Water was the main theme of this cave. When we finally figured out which hole in the fields was the right cave, we went down it and got wet. Stomped to the first pitch, complained loudly as we went down the pitch due to the water finding its way to bits of our bodies that water should never find its way to, stomped to the 2nd pitch and then bumbled about at the bottom for a bit. Ended up in a low crawl with foam on the roof. Decided we were crawling through the sump!
Coming back, Al decided to try free climbing the 2nd pitch. I went up the ladder first and found Al at the top! You only need about 6ft of ladder. Al tried the same with the 1st pitch and got within 10ft of the top when the ledges ran out.
I like this cave, but I wish the 1st pitch was dry!
Phil Wharton