Juniper Gulf
Present: Mehmet, Stacey, Al, George, James, Richard, Louise, Chris
After we walked to the gate with the yellow bucket we then walked in the opposite direction to where the entrance actually was, about an hour later we arrived, it was probably raining and starting to get dark in true DUSA fashion. Chris was rigging and we shot down the cave at lightning speed. I think we were all a bit disappointed not to be going down the final pitch, but we weren’t expecting to be so efficient so hadn’t bothered to pack the rope.
Al had pussied out somewhere before the bad step, no doubt whinging about his shoulder as he went, he was guided out by Stacey. The others arrived at the top of the final pitch shortly after.
Going out was fun, Richard dropped his handjammer, and the water rose quite dramatically, making one of the traverse sections quite interesting, especially for Louise who did not hve the advantage of being able to bridge across it! We got out and shivered at the top, where my badger made a timely escape! Thanks to Mehmets navigational skills we managed to get down in the dark in about half the time it took to find the cave. A tip top tastic trip,