Valley Entrance
Present: Louise, James, George, (Martin in the Car)
Due to a small torrential downpour (of Leck Fell proportions) and our dubious knot passing experience we dedided not to go down Rowten Pot, and decided to shelter in Valley entrance instead. Inevitabily we decided to go for a short trip up to toyland. There’s not really much i can say about this trip because nothing really happened, we went to toyland up the fixed ropes (which were a bit awkward) and then did a bit of interesting traversing into a fairly large and quite pretty chamber. Again it should be pointed out that Mr Carlisle assured me that the way on was through a rediculouly tight and loose squeeze, I decideded to let James go through first and struggled back out from half way through. In the meantime he managed to find the actual way on- typical.
After that bit off excitement we headed back out, me and James decided to swim back through the duck, my Y frog I was a bit poor, I think I may need a bit more practice in the art of cave swimming.