Link Pot – Mistral Hole
Present: Al, Anthony, Julia, Karen Amazing as it seems four DUSA members were insane enough to go caving on the…
Present: Al, Anthony, Julia, Karen Amazing as it seems four DUSA members were insane enough to go caving on the…
Present: Dave, Andy, Julia, Bec, Anthony, Al, Karen, James, Andrew Katrina was ill so decided not to come, just as…
Present: Anthony (Quarter Master), Julia, Al, Adam (independent transport. Spying on my benefit fraud) Left Durham, collected Al on-route (after…
Present: Phil, Cathryn, Louise, Katrina After Friday evening in the pub and most of Saturday morning cooking breakfast (no doubt…
Present: Al, Carolyn, Andy, Adam, Ben After much faffing about we reached Bull Pot Farm at about 1:30pm ish. We…
Present: Bec, Anthony, Chris R, Chris S, Tim “Barber-Bell” Hewson The Marton Arms couldn’t have been a warmer place with…
Present: Anthony, Al, Gwyn, James There were worrying signs on this meet that DUSA might be in danger of becoming…