Mistral Hole, Easegill
Present: Jenny, Mark O, Richard, Alex, Mark F, Chris, Katherine, Louise, Lucy, Sheri
In my humble opinion – as far as holes in the ground are concerned, this one gets my vote any day. A bit of everything – walking, crawling, dry, water, and best of all – mud. More mud than you’d know what to do with, even after a facepack. Only disadvantage was the fact that it was a bloody long walk there and that the whole thing was underground. Aside from that, fun for all the family.
Yea, great fun! I can’t remember the last time I spent so long crawling on my hands and knees!! Hopefully next time we wont get lost on the way tot he cave though!
Mud, mud, glorious mud would be what comes to mind after this trip. That and the fact that even when we came out of the cave we still couldn’t see.
The cave was really tight in places – want to be proved wrong that there aren’t any tighter caves than this. Excellent day, and yes, I loved the mud too!
My body aches all over – especially behind my knees where the strap of my knee pads was digging in but it was worth it as we got to see really cool cave features and get stuck in the mud where I became the mud thing and caused great humour by my subsequent appearance this then proved to be really hard for me to move through the really tight passages as mud sticks to mud really well, I made me stuck – which wasn’t good! Mud is now still falling of me and taking my facial hair with it which is painful. I stayed fairly dry though and had a nice walk.
I’m alive, I’m alive! We’re in the pub now and I’m going to have to be drug – there’s no way my legs can support my body! But if I could go back in time – I would do it again, and again. It was bloody muddy – but it was so much more fun! Mark and Chris provided so much entertainment 🙂 I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do this :-). My Mom would die if she knew what I did – but life would be boring without it!
Muddy loved it – want to go again sometime. Lovely jubbly. Next time I’ll bring my camera for the formations – woowee.
Small tight passages, tall large bloke with shoulders wider than the passages – slow progress. Good cave otherwise, lots of varied tunnels, both climbing and crawling.
Some Funny Quotes:
Chris ‘…like when you wake up and scratch your balls and find you’re wearing a skirt and fishnet tights…’
Chris ‘…then you’ll go blind’
Jenny ‘No you wont, you just wont be able to see anything!’