Rods’s Pot, Burrington Coombe
Present: Al, Gwyn, Chris F, Mark
Oh, well, if noone else can be bothered, I will… Being really clever, and being with a post-doc ‘I might never have any more holiday or the chance to cave for ages’ Gwyn, we elected, most democratically of course (well, as democratically as you can get with doctor dictator) to do a second cave of the day. After a long walk up the track, found the entrance easily. Muttered at the only wet bit being at the entrance and continued. Found that climbing out of a narrow passage into a deep rift is scary. ChrisF tried to freedive a crap tight bit, then got stuck on the way out of a slippy climb, and we went out much faster than anyone expected up the continuous 450 incline/awkward climbs. A great cave to do if you have no gear with you and feel fit.