Bar Pot
Present: Anthony, Julia, Al, Gwyn
Earlyish start (7.55) meant we actually left Bernies by 10.30. Met Al in Clapham and trundled up to Bar. Julia rigged while Anthony and Gwyn were photographed by tourists and Al. Down to top of the Big Pitch – more photos while Julia dangled above 32m of free space. Stiff 11mm was bloody tedious and slow to abseil on. On to main chamber which we reached during daylight hours. Most impressive – not too much water so we could stand close to the waterfall and admire it. Al stood in the waterfall (fool.) More photos followed. Anthony and Julia ran off to Mud Hall – could have been very pretty once upon a time. Al’s light had as good as died by now (note it was his Oldham – the club lights behaved like Gods) so he got out using Gwyn’s zoom. More photos taken of Julia on the big pitch with camera at bottom and extra flash and slave at top. Rapid derigging meant we were only down for 5½ hours. To complete the day’s efficiency we navigated off the hill first time despite fog and rain, and hit the pub by 7pm. Quality day’s caving, hope some of the photos come out.
Anthony Day