Bull Pot of the Witches
Present: Dave, Susan, James, Chris R, Andy, Julia, Peter
The seven of us stared out of the misty windows of the room in Bull Pot Farm where about 30 people had slept. Where’s the nearest cave said wussy Julia? I think Bull Pot of the Witches is fairly near and you might be able to manage that one. “As long as there are no pitches, no crawls and there isn’t any water or mud” said Julia. “No, no there aren’t any of those young lady” I said. So we packed our nap sack and off we went.
We got to the chimney and sort of fell down that. And went Ow!!! Especially Susan with the big nose. We got to the bit where the waterfall comes down and entered the hole. We managed to go down the cave past the boulder and (even after being told not to go past the boulder as it is the wrong way) we found out it got very tight and is in fact the wrong way. Eventually slightly doubling back on ourselves (so we could enjoy most of the outstanding cave!) and found the top of the first pitch. One by one we shinnied down the pitch (Julia and Susan stopping to draw cave painting on the wall of the cave on the way) and waited for Julia to construct a 3 ton scaffolding structure to get onto the next pitch. We used the geared lift system Julia had constructed and descended to the bottom.
We stomped about a bit at the bottom where it was nice and muddy and slippery. The crack down to the Main Drain Bit and managed to shove Susan, James and Andy down. Me and Chris eventually joined them when we thought they weren’t going to get washed away. The water was a bit on the chilly side and made my nads small! Julia couldn’t construct an A-frame over the crack so stayed in the muddy bit with Peter (need I say more!)
We skipped and hopped (singing she’ll be coming round the mountain as she comes). The matriarch Katrina was there to meet us at the cave entrance and we all got changed into our posh clothes so we could make our speeches and get pissed for the dinner meet!
Dave Gelsthorpe