Allt nan Uamh Stream Cave
Present: Natalie, Melanie, Jenny
After Al decided that Southern Comfort the night before meant he couldn’t cave and I decided I couldn’t really come all the way to Assynt and not cave we left the campsite by the castle for the cave, known generally by it’s acronym – ANUS.
We walked up the valley for what felt like miles, (that’s ‘cos it was, Al) then reached a nice big cave entrance – you could step through not squeeze. Then through a tight bit with a drop down to the floor. Wandering forwards showed the Assembly Hall and the multi-exit exploration fest that is Piccadilly. Going the obvious way: the biggest passage, we walked left across an easy traverse to Southwest Passage. We then explored, taking advantage of a hand fixed ladder to look at some sumped passage and a siphon. Travelling back through several side passages and looking at a number of people’s digs (is every caver in Scotland digging in ANUS?) we dropped down via a slightly dodgy rope to look at some more sumps. This might have been the Pit. Or it might be lower than my guidebook. Returnign to Piccadilly we walked along the nice big passage of Oxford Street. After much exploration it appears we declared most of the passages too small and missed some things, mainly a tight passage, a handful of chambers and a really small squeeze. We dropped into the stream, and Jenny climbed and looked at a higher level. We even found a little round trip under Piccadilly/Assembly Rooms passing through the stream.
All in all: this is a nice fun short cave in which Jenny was brave, Natalie didn’t like water and Melanie didn’t like climbing, and no one else saw this time. (Natalie was brave in exploring the tight crawls too Jenny Black) No dragons were observed.
P.S. Gary is more of a maniac driving after he’s had a bit to drink than Al is when he’s sober and a bit unwell.
Melanie Mehew
But on the way back we confused a German can by driving on the right hand side of the road for ages!Jenny Black
Points of Note
1. Encona is addictive
2. Encona can be (and was) added to every meal
3. More than one shot of whiskey must be added to porridge if you want to taste it.
4. Al is allergic to Southern Comfort
5. Gary, Nat and Jenny are dead hard a swam in the loch
6. Jenny’s cooking skills do not conform to current food hygiene regulations
7. The ‘always get back after midnight on DUSA trips’ rule still holds, even if no one caves on Sunday
8. Al is a manic Scottish psychopath car driver