Long Churn Cave
Present: Julia, Anthony, Al, James, Phil, Sigrid, John, Tom, Heather, Jenny, Nick
After a jolly trip in WR to County the day before, we were up for an easy trip, what a shame it wasn’t.
Some went in U.L.C, some went in Lower, But all went in somewhere on Ingleborough. Anthony rigged good old Doctor B's, And made the Freshers press some cheese. The others went straight down, And Phil felt such a clown, With his new stitch plate in his car, We didn't get too far, Before the others did catch us up. Finally got into Alum Pot, Where some were careful, others not. Phil & Sigrid had to go home, Which made the others moan. The novices all flew up the pitch Without the slightest little hitch. James made it look particularly hard, And mentioned something about too much lard. Three went out to derig the handline, Done in particularly good time. Met up with the rest, And lived happily ever after. Amen.
Al Cook