Present: Jenny, Chris, James B, James C
James C: Best cave yet; but MUDDY! (Very muddy!). Very tight entrance tunnel after reasonably easy entrance climb. Much tighter on way back out though (when you’re knackered..) I have caving!!!
Good fun to reach “Hall of the Mountain King”, but very deep mud in here. Chris’s welly came off here and he and Jenny spent 5 minutes trying to pull it out of the mud.
Continued down “Leck Fell Lane” to waterfall Jenny remembered. Carried on past where Jenny reached last time to FANTASTIC formations (Hundreds of really long straws hanging under a overhang). Continued round but reached apparent dead end. Only way out was high passage which Jenny tried to free climb to. Not sure whether anything is that way.
Returned to “HOTMK” (where incidentally I had slipped on the way down and added to my ever expanding collection of interesting bruises (leg wedged into crevasse)). On way out I led the way, out of the HOTMK round some rocks, down a muddy slippery slope and back into the HOTMK (oops!). Great mud slide later on, really good fun.
Went back out which was much harder than on way in. I almost got stuck twice. Decided not to go to the Gour Hall on grounds that it was late and we were cold.
Crawled back to entrance hall and climbed out… Then walked back to the car (Oh by the way, Chris decided it would be fun to smear everyones face and hair with mud at regular intervals. Bast***.
- Jenny: Driving a posh hire car is dead cool – electric windows and everything – but possibly not a good idea in such a muddy cave. Leck Fell Lane was cool-> loads and loads of foam. There was a bubble about 8 inches by 5 inches in size. Wow!
- Chris F: Well, I came along again, but didn’t bring a camera which was a shame since Leck Fell Lane was very pretty, a shame it didn’t link back to the Hall of the Ten. Oh well, next years soon.
James, Jenny and Chris F.