Gaping Gill (Dihedral and Flood)
Present: Stacey, James, Al, George, Kempton We arrived at Clapham having obtained Dihedral and Flood permits earlier in the same…
Present: Stacey, James, Al, George, Kempton We arrived at Clapham having obtained Dihedral and Flood permits earlier in the same…
Present: Present: Flood (Wade’s) Entrance – Chris F, Stacey, Katherine, Louise, Stream Passage Entrance: Jenny, James, Jack (LUPC), George FloodA…
Bar – Bar (Black Sheep?!):Natalie, Karl, Ben, Louise, Martin (nearly)Flood – Flood: Jenny, Anthony, Bec,Bar – Flood: JuliaDriver and cook:…
Present: Flood: Gwyn, Natalie and Melanie, Bar: Al and Jenny (and then the above) It was wet and nasty, then…